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Bonda Seal Clear - 1 Litre

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(£25.00 Exc. VAT)
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Bonda Seal Clear has the following uses. For sealing all surfaces with a clear, non-yellowing  UV light stable non-porous-seal. For transparent wood finishes - all types of timber flooring, wall and ceiling coverings, boats and furniture, impregnation of masonry, concrete, asbestos, cement and stone floors, coating of metal surfaces, to prevent chemical and airborne contamination, to retain the appearance of finished surfaces, preventing oxidation and tarnishing of metal.


  • Porous Surfaces – 220 mls / sqm
  • Non Porous Surfaces – 140mls / sqm

Please note: Mandatory training for industrial and professional users is required by 24th August 2023 - Mandatory Training - Click here for details

Technical & Safety Sheets

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