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Jesmonite AC100 / AC300 Thixotrope

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Jesmonite is a versatile range of water-based, solvent free composite materials ideally suited to the creation of decorative mouldings and glass reinforced laminates. These materials have a range of unique properties, which contribute to strength, durability, non-toxicity, and the ability to comply with many of the necessary test requirements of the construction industry, specifically those in regard to fire performance and impact resistance.

Thixotrope is added to the mix to thicken the material to a ‘Gel-Coat’ consistency and so that the viscosity of Jesmonite can be adjusted to the users preference. This is useful when brushing or spraying materials onto moulds with vertical faces as it prevents the material from slumping.

By adding Thixotrope it is possible to apply a controlled 1mm – 3mm layer of material without it running off the mould surface. This also prevents glass reinforcements from showing at the face of laminated objects. Thixotrope can also be used to make the material into a paste, which can be used as a repair filler, and jointing paste for bonding two laminates together

Thixotrope is added to the mix after the powders, and is mixed in using the High Shear Mixing Blade. Add drop by drop until the desired consistency is achieved. Typical inclusion rates by weight are 2g – 6g per kilo of mix

AC100 Thixotrope is not compatible with AC730 or AC830

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