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Polycraft Variable Polyurethane Target Foam (VTF1)

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Polycraft Target Foam is a two component polyurethane foam system, that when mixed gives a medium density soft, elastomeric foam. The foam is self skinning, durable and has excellent physical properties. Typical free rise density is between 140 - 180 kgm, however the foam can be over packed in the mould to give higher densities of up to 500 kgm. The final hardness of the foam can be adjusted by small adjustments to the mixing ratio. The product is ideal for applications requiring a tough, durable foam, such as the manufacture of archery targets

  • Variable Foam,
  • Different mix ratios can be added
  • Soft, Medium or Hard foam can be achieved
  • Self-Skinning, Durable, Easily Pigmented, Rapid Demould

Polycraft Target Foam can be used at 100:30 by weight for soft foam, 100:33 by weight for medium foam and 100:36 by weight for a hard foam, different ratios will produce different foam hardness.

For bulk castings using Medium and Hard Target Foam, shrinkage of the cured product may be observed. 

Table Below is based on a foam mix at 25°C



Soft Medium Hard
Cured Feel   Soft Foam Medium Foam Hard Foam
Mix Ratio By Weight  100A - 30B 100A - 33B 100A - 36B
Hardness   Soft Medium Hard
Cured Colour   Amber / Yellow  Amber / Yellow Amber / Yellow
Cream Time Seconds 25 - 35 25 - 35 25 - 35
Tack Free Time Seconds 120 - 140  120 - 140  120 - 140 
Rise Time Seconds 140 - 170 140 - 170 140 - 170 
Exotherm  °C 85 – 95 85 – 95 85 – 95
Free Rise Density kgm-3 140 - 180 140 - 180

140 - 180

Tensile Strength MPa 0.4 – 0.5  TBC 0.75 - 0.85
Tear Strength kN/m 3 - 4 TBC 4 - 5
Elongation at break % 375 - 425 TBC 275 - 325

For best results ensure resins and moulds are at temperature above 25°C before using, using at colder temperatures will effect cured characteristics and may inhibit cure. Ensure moulds are free from dust and other contaminants. Always perform small test before pouring large amounts to ensure suitability. The user must first thoroughly test the foam before going into production. Excessive usage of isocyanate can cause hardening of soft foams over time and may even cause excessive contraction of the moulding. Polycraft foams are moisture sensitive, keep containers closed when not in use. When stored correctly unopened product has a shelf life of 6 months from purchase. Please refer to website for further information regarding usage.

Technical & Safety Sheets
Polycraft Variable Polyurethane Target Foam (VTF1)

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1 Review:

3D target repairs
26 April 2019  | 

Excellent product.for repairs to 3D rubber archery targets.The results are really good consistency of foam to stop arrows and heal itself. Ideal mix is for medium mix at 100-33, and do the repair at +25 degress. Follow the instructions and you will not be disappointed.

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